Measuring Distance

Point to Point distance

In spatial analysis, we often want to know the shortest distance between two features. For example, we may want to know the distance from residence to pharmacy store to see if the distance affects people’s health. Or, we may be interested in whether the distance to airport or highway affects population growth. In this example, we will measure the nearest distance to airport in Pennsylvania, USA.

As usual, we need to import libraries we will be using.

%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Then, we load the example data and airport data and explore the data by plotting them together.

df = pd.read_csv('../data/example.csv')
from gps2space import geodf
gdf = geodf.df_to_gdf(df, x='longitude', y='latitude')
pid timestamp latitude longitude geometry
0 P2 2020-04-27 10:42:22.162176000 40.993799 -76.669419 POINT (-76.66942 40.99380)
1 P2 2020-06-02 01:12:45.308505600 39.946904 -78.926234 POINT (-78.92623 39.94690)
2 P2 2020-05-08 23:47:33.718185600 41.237403 -79.252317 POINT (-79.25232 41.23740)
3 P2 2020-04-26 14:31:12.100310400 41.991390 -77.467769 POINT (-77.46777 41.99139)
4 P2 2020-03-31 15:53:27.777897600 41.492674 -76.542921 POINT (-76.54292 41.49267)
airport = gpd.read_file('../data/paairport.shp')
STATE NAME geometry
0 Pennsylvania Erie International POINT (-80.17600 42.08208)
1 Pennsylvania Bradford Regional POINT (-78.63987 41.80313)
2 Pennsylvania Venango Regional POINT (-79.86014 41.37793)
3 Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International POINT (-75.72390 41.33823)
4 Pennsylvania Williamsport Regional POINT (-76.92144 41.24205)
pacounty = gpd.read_file('../data/pacounty.shp')
ax = pacounty.boundary.plot(figsize=(12, 12), edgecolor='black', linewidth=0.6)
gdf.plot(ax=ax, color='r')
airport.plot(ax=ax, color='g', marker='*', markersize=60);

The red dots are the footprints of Person 1 (P1) and Person 2 (P2) while the green stars are the airports in Pennsylvania, USA.

We can calculate the distance from each point of P1 and P2 to the nearest airport using the dist_to_point function in the dist module. The dist_to_point function takes three parameters:

  • gdf_a: This is the GeoDataFrame of P1 and P2’s footprints
  • gdf_b: This is the landmark from where you want to measure the distance
  • proj: This is the EPSG identifier you want to use to project your spatial data and will be applied to gdf_a and gdf_b

Because the airport data come from other source, we do not know if it has been projected or what is the projection system. So we want to check the projection system for airport data.


It returns nothing, which means this data do not have projection. We will give it an initial projection of EPSG:4326.

[8]: = ("epsg:4326")

Now, we can import the dist function to calculate the distance from each point of P1 and P2 to the nearest airport.

from gps2space import dist
dist_to_airport = dist.dist_to_point(gdf, airport, proj=2163)
pid timestamp latitude longitude geometry STATE NAME dist2point
0 P2 2020-04-27 10:42:22.162176000 40.993799 -76.669419 POINT (1926745.083 -169042.499) Pennsylvania Williamsport Regional 34579.711173
1 P2 2020-06-02 01:12:45.308505600 39.946904 -78.926234 POINT (1774126.223 -333525.438) Pennsylvania Johnstown-Cambria County 42187.331826
2 P2 2020-05-08 23:47:33.718185600 41.237403 -79.252317 POINT (1712951.727 -200231.269) Pennsylvania Du Bois-Jefferson County 30051.080354
3 P2 2020-04-26 14:31:12.100310400 41.991390 -77.467769 POINT (1833671.313 -79623.054) Pennsylvania Williamsport Regional 94804.346362
4 P2 2020-03-31 15:53:27.777897600 41.492674 -76.542921 POINT (1921659.985 -112174.444) Pennsylvania Williamsport Regional 42388.435141

The dist2point column represents the distance from each point to the nearest airport measured in meters. Likewise, you can then save the GeoDataFrame to a spatial dataset or non-spatial dataset as we did in the last section.

Point to Polygon distance

In this example, we want to calculate the nearest distance to parks represented in polygons using dist_to_poly function. The dist_to_poly function incorporates R-tree and spatial indexing technologies to boost the nearest neighbor query. The dist_to_poly function takes four parameters:

  • gdf_source: This is the source GeoPandas dataframe
  • gdf_target: This is the target GeoPandas dataframe
  • proj: This is the EPSG identifier you want to use to project your spatial data and will be applied to gdf_source and gdf_target
  • search_radius: This is the search radius in meters with a default value of None

Please note that:

  1. If search_radius is specified, points with no neighbors within the search radius, then the dist_to_poly function returns a NaN value
  2. If search_radius is not specified, the dist_to_poly function employs brute-force search to find the nearest distance, and it may take longer time to calculate the nearest distance, especially for data in larger volumes

As usual, we read the park data as a GeoPandas dataframe. Then we illustrate how dist_to_poly works using two examples: an example specifying the search_radius and another example without specifying the search_radius

park = gpd.read_file('../data/papark.shp')
park_id park_name park_acres geometry
0 1 11th Avenue Playground 1.48 POLYGON ((-79.89948 40.40552, -79.89946 40.406...
1 22 Alpine Parklet 0.12 POLYGON ((-80.01282 40.45765, -80.01303 40.457...
2 6117 Negley Park 18.46 POLYGON ((-76.89575 40.25092, -76.89178 40.249...
3 8202 Deer Lake Community Park 32.76 MULTIPOLYGON (((-76.05700 40.62615, -76.05696 ...
4 8215 Delano Playground 1.37 POLYGON ((-75.97098 40.80281, -75.97062 40.801...

Specifying search_radius

dist_with_search_radius = dist.dist_to_poly(gdf, park, proj=2163, search_radius=10000)
A search_radius of 10000 meters is specified. Points with no neighbors intersected with thte search radius will return NaN.
Wall time: 4.57 s
pid timestamp latitude longitude geometry dist2poly
0 P2 2020-04-27 10:42:22.162176000 40.993799 -76.669419 POINT (1926745.083 -169042.499) 3143.431951
1 P2 2020-06-02 01:12:45.308505600 39.946904 -78.926234 POINT (1774126.223 -333525.438) 4007.426442
2 P2 2020-05-08 23:47:33.718185600 41.237403 -79.252317 POINT (1712951.727 -200231.269) 7198.553223
3 P2 2020-04-26 14:31:12.100310400 41.991390 -77.467769 POINT (1833671.313 -79623.054) 4418.972172
4 P2 2020-03-31 15:53:27.777897600 41.492674 -76.542921 POINT (1921659.985 -112174.444) 4997.223163
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
195 P1 2020-04-14 22:59:47.187801600 40.592932 -77.002548 POINT (1912029.573 -220204.526) 2789.935358
196 P1 2020-02-18 16:00:05.505350400 40.263436 -80.322911 POINT (1651469.678 -328218.968) 3433.440261
197 P1 2020-02-24 10:22:29.605353600 40.726640 -76.403706 POINT (1956064.504 -191577.975) 6104.559787
198 P1 2020-01-13 10:02:15.962697600 40.279678 -77.898978 POINT (1848682.909 -274721.379) 2696.384797
199 P1 2020-04-02 23:09:49.639881600 41.660656 -79.830351 POINT (1655332.627 -166134.557) 5926.050348

200 rows × 6 columns

Without specifying search_radius

dist_no_search_radius = dist.dist_to_poly(gdf, park, proj=2163)
No search_radius is specified, the calculation may take longer time for datasets in large volumes.
Wall time: 17.3 s
pid timestamp latitude longitude geometry dist2poly
0 P2 2020-04-27 10:42:22.162176000 40.993799 -76.669419 POINT (1926745.083 -169042.499) 3143.431951
1 P2 2020-06-02 01:12:45.308505600 39.946904 -78.926234 POINT (1774126.223 -333525.438) 4007.426442
2 P2 2020-05-08 23:47:33.718185600 41.237403 -79.252317 POINT (1712951.727 -200231.269) 7198.553223
3 P2 2020-04-26 14:31:12.100310400 41.991390 -77.467769 POINT (1833671.313 -79623.054) 4418.972172
4 P2 2020-03-31 15:53:27.777897600 41.492674 -76.542921 POINT (1921659.985 -112174.444) 4997.223163
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
195 P1 2020-04-14 22:59:47.187801600 40.592932 -77.002548 POINT (1912029.573 -220204.526) 2789.935358
196 P1 2020-02-18 16:00:05.505350400 40.263436 -80.322911 POINT (1651469.678 -328218.968) 3433.440261
197 P1 2020-02-24 10:22:29.605353600 40.726640 -76.403706 POINT (1956064.504 -191577.975) 6104.559787
198 P1 2020-01-13 10:02:15.962697600 40.279678 -77.898978 POINT (1848682.909 -274721.379) 2696.384797
199 P1 2020-04-02 23:09:49.639881600 41.660656 -79.830351 POINT (1655332.627 -166134.557) 5926.050348

200 rows × 6 columns

dist_no_search_radius[dist_no_search_radius['dist2poly'] == 'NaN']
pid timestamp latitude longitude geometry dist2poly
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
latitude 200.0 40.878765 0.649778 39.807771 40.321969 40.821446 41.468584 41.991390
longitude 200.0 -77.732011 1.465171 -80.485216 -78.824666 -77.635756 -76.549980 -75.025528
dist2poly 185.0 3919.033243 2802.089284 0.000000 1550.077077 3623.525457 5316.719387 13855.516463
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
latitude 200.0 40.878765 0.649778 39.807771 40.321969 40.821446 41.468584 41.991390
longitude 200.0 -77.732011 1.465171 -80.485216 -78.824666 -77.635756 -76.549980 -75.025528
dist2poly 200.0 4726.981887 4027.497246 0.000000 1849.390860 3877.189734 5970.677707 21244.390382

The above results show that specifying a search radius decreases the time needed for the nearest distance calculation, and most of the points have neighbors within the search radius, the final results are similar.